
We recently lost my grandmother amongst all this crazy COVID time. No, she did not pass from COVID but it made arrangements real weird and not normal. We are ever so thankful we were able to have a funeral service even though only twenty of us from the family were allowed to be present.

She was the only living grandparent when I was born, thus the only one I ever knew. She was not like "regular" grandmas. She was feisty and fierce...and probably explains were I get some of my characteristics :)

We took extended family photos when my daughter was about six months old because it was important to me to get the generations in. This photos are SO important. Shortly after, my dad was diagnosed with stage four cancer and we lost him shortly after. And now my grandma is also gone. Cherish your family. Take the photos. It doesn't matter, momma, if you are in shape or not. You will not care when these are all that's left.

Photos below compliments of Padre Ryan Photographic in Corpus Christi, TX